Young concrete

Young concrete

토목구조기술사 면접시험에 나왔다고 하길래 GPT에 물어보니 다음과 같이 답변을 해줬다.

Young concrete refers to freshly mixed concrete that has not yet hardened or reached its final strength. This stage is critical in concrete construction because the properties of young concrete can significantly influence the long-term durability and strength of the structure. Here are some key aspects of young concrete:


  1. Workability: Young concrete must be workable enough to be properly placed and compacted. The workability is influenced by the water-cement ratio, aggregate size, and the use of admixtures.
  2. Setting Time: This is the time it takes for the concrete to begin hardening. Setting time can be adjusted by using different types of cement and admixtures.
  3. Bleeding: The process where water rises to the surface of freshly placed concrete. Excessive bleeding can weaken the surface layer and affect the durability.
  4. Heat of Hydration: The chemical reaction between cement and water releases heat. In young concrete, managing this heat is crucial to prevent cracking.


Curing is the process of maintaining adequate moisture, temperature, and time to allow the concrete to achieve its desired properties. Proper curing of young concrete is essential to prevent shrinkage, cracking, and to ensure adequate strength development.

Strength Development

  • Initial Strength: Young concrete gains strength rapidly within the first few days due to the hydration of cement.
  • Long-term Strength: The strength continues to develop over time, usually measured at 28 days for a standard strength test, but it can continue to increase for months or even years.


  • Slump Test: Measures the workability of fresh concrete.
  • Air Content Test: Determines the amount of air in the concrete mix, which is important for durability, especially in freeze-thaw conditions.
  • Temperature Monitoring: Ensures that the concrete is curing within the optimal temperature range.


  • Segregation: The separation of the components in the concrete mix, leading to an uneven distribution of materials.
  • Plastic Shrinkage Cracking: Cracks that occur in the surface of young concrete due to rapid moisture loss.
  • Formwork Pressure: Freshly mixed concrete exerts pressure on the formwork, which needs to be designed to withstand this pressure until the concrete hardens.

Managing the properties and behavior of young concrete is crucial for the success of any concrete construction project. Proper mix design, placement techniques, and curing practices are essential to achieve the desired performance and longevity of the concrete structure.


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