“I can never stand still,”
“I must explore and experiment,”
I am never satisfied with my work,”
“I resent the limitations of my own imagination.”
-- Walt Disney –
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기타 앱
Biaxial bending interaction diagrams
공유 링크 만들기
기타 앱
Biaxial bending interaction diagrams for reinforced concrete column design
The steps to calculate biaxial flexural strength of a rectangular reinforced concrete column for a given nominal axial strength and moment ratio of biaxial bending moments are as follows:
1. assuming a value for the angle of the neutral axis (a) and the neutral axis depth (c) to calculate the strain values in each reinforcement layer
2. Calculate the forces values in the concrete (Cc) and reinforcement layers (Fst)
3. Calculate Pn, Mnx/Mny using the following equations
the procedure above should be repeated until the calculated Pn, and Mnx / Mny are euqal to the given Pn, and Mnx/Mny.
The following figure demonstrates the procedure explained above:
출처: Biaxial Bending Interaction Diagrams for Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Column Design (ACI 318-19) Structure Point
insert subscripts and superscripts inside a text region Insert > Formular There is a shortcut Alt+=, but it does not work with the shortcut key while entering text in the text region. Insert > Formula
In the CEB-FIP Model Code 90 , maturity is a concept used to predict the rate at which concrete gains strength based on temperature and time. Eq. (2.1-87) is used to calculate the maturity-adjusted time $$ t_T$ $ , which accounts for the effects of temperature on concrete's strength development. \( S=\int d^{4} x\left(\frac{R}{2 \kappa}\right) \) begin{eqation} S=\int d^{4} x\left(\frac{R}{2 \kappa}\right) end{equation} Definition of Equation (2.1-87): The maturity-adjusted time $$tTt_T tT$$ is calculated as: $$tT=∫t0texp[QR(1T0−1T(τ))]dτt_T = \int_{t_0}^{t} \exp \left[ \frac{Q}{R} \left( \frac{1}{T_0} - \frac{1}{T(\tau)} \right) \right] d\tau tT=∫t0texp[RQ(T01−T(τ)1)]dτ$$ Where: tTt_T tT = maturity-adjusted time (in days) tt t = real elapsed time (in days) t0t_0 t0 = start time for the calculation (usually 0) QQ Q = activation energy for hydration process, typically around 33,500 J/mo...
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